

Sparring is an integral part of the Balintawak Combat System Curriculum

Sparring development courses are designed to enhance specific attributes relating to real world situations but carried out in a controlled environment. Sparring should create skillsets and experience that can be used in real life confrontational and possibly violent situations.  If you do not spar then how can you regard that you have "tested" anything that you have trained in a self protection system / class.  It will not give you all the answers to all of the situations in real life that you may experience but it will certainly give you some. 

What positive outcomes should you expect:

  • Stronger and more confident mindset/mental approach when placed under threat / duress of physical violence
  • Improving your fighting abilities using weapons and no weapons ie empty hand self protection
  • Greater Level of situational awareness
  • Distance advantage / disadvantage - proxemic zones etc
  • Physical combative skill aquirement including leveraged combative power generation
  • Increased offensive and defensive timing
  • Knowledge of effective non specific and more importanly specific targetting
  • A greater undertanding through the use of fighting with  weapons how they can be used against you which should give you real world understanding of edged weapon and impact weapon lethalities and capabilities.


These courses can be run indepentdently in your group/organisation or class by one of our experienced coaches.  Please get in touch if you are interested.

Contact Us

Coach Vicente Sanchez -  Sparring Development Team

Coach Vicente Sanchez

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Don't hesitate to contact us today if you are interested in or require further information on our self protection / combative training solutions.

Coach Rich Cotterill

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